Raw Log Febuary 8, 2006

Welcome to the DarknessUnvailed play group server.
We had been playing every Tuesday night in person, but lives are getting more and more complected, so we have moved here. This server is temperary, so it will only be up during games and testing.
Storyteller in the VtR game
Many thanks goes to all of those who contributed to OpenRPG!
The developers in alphabetical order are:
Thomas Baleno, Andrew Bennett, Lex Berezhny, Ted Berg, Bernhard Bergbauer, Chris Blocher ,Ben Collins-Sussman, Robin Cook, Greg Copeland, Chris Davis, Michael Edwards, Andrew Ettinger, Dj Gilcrease, Todd Faris, Christopher Hickman, Paul Hosking, Scott Mackay, Brian Manning, Jesse McConnell, Brian Osman, Rome Reginelli, Christopher Rouse, Dave Sanders and Mark Tarrabain.

[Wed Feb 08 00:36:04 2006] : Moving to room 'Rictus'..
[Wed Feb 08 00:36:04 2006] : (1) enwewn (enter): 00:36
[Wed Feb 08 00:36:04 2006] : Server Administrator-> * Rictus
Welcome to Rictus
A few rules for this room...
For those who are just joining us, please whisper to the Gms or Players.
(Please limit what you say to the DM as he has enough to do.)
You are more then welcome to lurk, if it looks interesting to you,
stick around until the end as we will open up the room to comments then.
If you are a player...
1. Have fun…
2. Do not move minis that do not belong to you...
3. Do not draw on the screen unless you are casting a spell or need to show a radius for some game related reason…
4. If ((ooc)) does not surround a statement it will be assumed that you are speaking in character…
If you say it in character it could have serious consequences…
5. Do not whisper to the DM unless it is game related…
6. If you whisper to another character what your intentions are but do not relay that to the DM it does not “count”…
7. Spell casters you must announce what your spell is at the beginning of the round or you will forfeit your spell…
All others you must declare your action ,ie. sword, axe, run like a scared little bitch, before you roll initiative.
8. Initiative will be called for as ((initiative)) Joe (Horis,enwewn) will execute the start of the rolls by typing the name of each player in order.
On your turn state your intentions and roll with modifier.
You will be responsible for keeping track of your own number. The DM will call for each successive number by sending ((next)).
9. Each player will have one minute to execute their action when their turn comes around in the round.
If a player misses their turn in a round they will wait until the last turn in the round to execute their action regardless of the consequences…
Actions go as follows:
Declare action in full, roll to hit, announce ((hit)) or ((miss)), roll damage.
10. Spell casters… If you are hit in a round before you cast ,you loose your spell and the points associated with it…
11. If you have technical questions about the game whisper to Joe or Nick…(Preferably Nick as Joe is doing other things already.)
If Nick or Joe have a question they will see the DM about the issue…
12. Figure your modifiers out and add them into your die roller before you roll…
13. If you disagree with a ruling by the DM you may appeal. You will loose but you may appeal. Just kidding.
State your case in the open forum and I will review the case before game play continues.
Keep appeals down by appealing life and death issues not mundane things like:
“I missed that by 1 and I forgot my modifier” two actions later…
14. If the DM calls for a proficiency check [to appear as ((prof:check)) ] the DM may roll it or you may roll it depending on the situation.
DM will state which after the check call.
15. The DM may not roll all rolls on the server.
This is essential for game play because the DM may need to fudge rolls from time to time so as to save a characters proverbial butt…
16. The players will roll all rolls in the server unless otherwise directed …
17. The DM is always right…
18. If the DM is wrong see above…
19. The DM does not kill characters stupid players kill characters…
20. Do not blame the DM he only does what the dice tell him to do…
Now if you read all that, good for you.
If not read it please, as it will help the game play. hopefully
Todd: DM; DM and anything else...
Horis: Dwarf; War Priest of Afmin, aka enwewn, the man with the server
Kahlan: Human; Mage, aka KittyKat
Miltonberry: Gnome; Fighter, aka Ken
Malkiev: Human; Paladin, aka Archaviel
Valdrin: Myrinish (Drow); Theif, aka Mike
Telinous: Salnish (Wood Elf); Rogue, aka Nug
Dori Valorian: Human; Spell Fire user, aka Deb

[Wed Feb 08 00:36:22 2006] : (2) Mike (enter): 00:36
[Wed Feb 08 00:36:39 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of GM to (1) enwewn...
[Wed Feb 08 00:36:42 2006] : (3) Kahlan (enter): 00:36
[Wed Feb 08 00:36:52 2006] : (3) Kahlan: hello
[Wed Feb 08 00:36:55 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (2) Mike...
[Wed Feb 08 00:36:59 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (3) Kahlan...
[Wed Feb 08 00:37:28 2006] : (4) Todd (enter): 00:37
[Wed Feb 08 00:37:41 2006] : (4) Todd: hullo all
[Wed Feb 08 00:37:50 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of GM to (4) Todd...
[Wed Feb 08 00:39:47 2006] : (1) enwewn: hello
[Wed Feb 08 00:44:38 2006] : (6) milton (enter): 00:44
[Wed Feb 08 00:45:25 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (6) milton...
[Wed Feb 08 00:45:33 2006] : (7) Michiru (enter): 00:45
[Wed Feb 08 00:45:39 2006] : (1) enwewn: so any time table on the rest of them?
[Wed Feb 08 00:45:47 2006] : (7) Dori: dang open crashed
[Wed Feb 08 00:46:07 2006] : (1) enwewn: or i kill the sever and that crashed it for you?
[Wed Feb 08 00:46:12 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Dori...
[Wed Feb 08 00:46:15 2006] : (3) Kahlan: nick will be on in a second
[Wed Feb 08 00:46:22 2006] : (4) Todd: damn you yoseph
[Wed Feb 08 00:46:32 2006] : (7) Dori: dang you.
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:03 2006] : (7) Dori: i had three window open and they all crashed.
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:04 2006] : (1) enwewn: yeah yeah i like being 1 though ;)
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:09 2006] : (8) Malkiev (enter): 00:47
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:12 2006] : (7) Dori: and I lost my character nodes
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:16 2006] : (7) Dori: grumble
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:20 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (8) Malkiev...
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:20 2006] : (8) Malkiev: Hi ho
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:24 2006] : (4) Todd: some one send her her nodes
[Wed Feb 08 00:47:36 2006] : (1) enwewn: I only have the one...
[Wed Feb 08 00:48:06 2006] : (7) Dori: grrrr
[Wed Feb 08 00:48:28 2006] : (1) enwewn: do you need it back or do you have them backed up?
[Wed Feb 08 00:48:54 2006] : (7) Dori: I might have a backup of dori hold on while I check
[Wed Feb 08 00:49:57 2006] : (7) Dori: okay I have a back up of dori but its from before the last game, so I don't remember how damaged I was.
[Wed Feb 08 00:50:41 2006] : (4) Todd: Does anyone rememebr where we were?LOL
[Wed Feb 08 00:50:54 2006] : (1) enwewn: cought in a web
[Wed Feb 08 00:50:57 2006] : (7) Dori: everyone but Dori was in a web
[Wed Feb 08 00:51:15 2006] : (7) Dori: Dori was hanging in a nearby tree
[Wed Feb 08 00:52:09 2006] : (4) Todd: anyone have any questions about where we were
[Wed Feb 08 00:52:50 2006] : (3) Kahlan: nope i'm pretty sure everyone knows we are about to die
[Wed Feb 08 00:53:02 2006] : (4) Todd: ok
[Wed Feb 08 00:53:03 2006] : (4) Todd: good
[Wed Feb 08 00:53:46 2006] : (4) Todd: like normal
[Wed Feb 08 00:53:49 2006] : (4) Todd: right?
[Wed Feb 08 00:53:58 2006] : (3) Kahlan: yep
[Wed Feb 08 00:54:56 2006] : (4) Todd: I have a new concept fotr this week
[Wed Feb 08 00:55:22 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( NO! Not a new concept! Anything but a new concept! ))
[Wed Feb 08 00:55:37 2006] : (4) Todd: Well it is not a full time thing
[Wed Feb 08 00:56:15 2006] : Miltonberry: .
[Wed Feb 08 00:56:26 2006] : (6) Ken: .
[Wed Feb 08 00:56:34 2006] : (7) Dori: .....
[Wed Feb 08 00:56:49 2006] : (6) Ken: just testing
[Wed Feb 08 00:56:58 2006] : (4) Todd: Everyone gets 4600 rp xp for last week since yo uall worked together for the nite
[Wed Feb 08 00:57:13 2006] : (6) Ken: woo hoo!
[Wed Feb 08 00:57:18 2006] : (7) Dori: woo woo
[Wed Feb 08 00:57:46 2006] : (3) Kahlan: huh we worked together?
[Wed Feb 08 00:57:56 2006] : (3) Kahlan: what a shock!
[Wed Feb 08 00:58:54 2006] : (4) Todd: that help anyone?
[Wed Feb 08 00:59:02 2006] : (7) Dori: i leveled
[Wed Feb 08 00:59:27 2006] : (4) Todd: anyone else
[Wed Feb 08 00:59:42 2006] : (1) Horis: can a x5?
[Wed Feb 08 00:59:43 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( I should level next time))
[Wed Feb 08 01:00:37 2006] : (4) Todd: anyone elses
[Wed Feb 08 01:00:59 2006] : (4) Todd: any one
[Wed Feb 08 01:01:46 2006] : (6) Ken: only 20,000 xp away!
[Wed Feb 08 01:02:16 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( about 18,000 here ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:02:20 2006] : (7) Dori: does anyone have a PH handy.
[Wed Feb 08 01:02:41 2006] : (1) Horis: ((yes))
[Wed Feb 08 01:03:06 2006] : (7) Dori: I need to know if the thaco, saves, or proficiencies go up for a rogue moving from level 5 to 6
[Wed Feb 08 01:03:33 2006] : (7) Dori: and what is the backstab modifier for a 6th level rogue
[Wed Feb 08 01:05:35 2006] : (4) Todd: I am tryi n to find my facts sheet
[Wed Feb 08 01:05:53 2006] : (1) Horis: backstab and thaco same
[Wed Feb 08 01:06:13 2006] : (7) Dori: what is the backstab?
[Wed Feb 08 01:07:19 2006] : (1) Horis: 3
[Wed Feb 08 01:07:37 2006] : (7) Dori: thanks
[Wed Feb 08 01:08:08 2006] : (4) Todd: ok everyone ready?
[Wed Feb 08 01:08:19 2006] : (6) Ken: ready
[Wed Feb 08 01:10:13 2006] : (7) Dori: need one more sec
[Wed Feb 08 01:10:53 2006] : (8) Malkiev: http://homepages.tesco.net/~a_skywalker/downloads.htm
[Wed Feb 08 01:11:02 2006] : (7) Dori has sent you a tree node...
[Wed Feb 08 01:11:14 2006] : (7) Dori: okay ready
[Wed Feb 08 01:11:41 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Ready! Tally HO!! ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:12:26 2006] : (4) Todd: So as we proceed we find all of our intrepis heros trapped in a tree limb above a raging flooded river
[Wed Feb 08 01:12:26 2006] : (7) Dori: ((mopes I need 40,000 xp before I level again
[Wed Feb 08 01:13:43 2006] : ** (7) Dori will make her way across the tree branches to a more secure position. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:14:13 2006] : (7) Dori has sent you a tree node...
[Wed Feb 08 01:14:57 2006] : (4) Todd: The tower you saw is to your left...
[Wed Feb 08 01:15:15 2006] : ** (7) Dori will try to make her way to the left. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:15:32 2006] : ** Horis head towards tower **
[Wed Feb 08 01:16:10 2006] : (4) Todd: Any one moving to th tower f off of the tree needs to make a dex. check
[Wed Feb 08 01:16:13 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev begins tearing away webs to make his way to the tower side of the river. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:16:21 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [18] = (18)
[Wed Feb 08 01:16:33 2006] : ** Horis goes swiming. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:16:34 2006] : (7) Dori: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Feb 08 01:16:51 2006] : (7) Dori: (Dori passes)
[Wed Feb 08 01:17:08 2006] : (7) Dori: (Dori will attempt to swing out and grab Horis before he goes swimming)
[Wed Feb 08 01:17:09 2006] : (4) Todd: Horis falls 5 feet and hits another strand of web...
[Wed Feb 08 01:17:45 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Dex 13 )) [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Feb 08 01:17:53 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev falls **
[Wed Feb 08 01:18:06 2006] : ** Horis moves towards tower agian **
[Wed Feb 08 01:18:12 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Feb 08 01:18:20 2006] : (7) Dori: "Hold on guys. And let me see if I can find a way to get you off the web with out killing yourselves."
[Wed Feb 08 01:18:22 2006] : (1) Horis: ((pass))
[Wed Feb 08 01:19:21 2006] : (4) Todd: Malkiev falls about five feet and hits another astrand of web
[Wed Feb 08 01:20:08 2006] : ** (7) Dori will look around for something that she can use to pull the others off the web to safetly. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:20:17 2006] : DM: Horis gets sbout half way
[Wed Feb 08 01:20:33 2006] : (3) Kahlan: target 15 [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Feb 08 01:20:36 2006] : (3) Kahlan: pass
[Wed Feb 08 01:20:44 2006] : DM: Kahlan gets half way
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:02 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:08 2006] : (1) Horis: ((pass))
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:09 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev keeps tearing webs. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:14 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Dex 13 )) [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:21 2006] : Miltonberry: target 16 [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:21 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev falls again **
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:29 2006] : Miltonberry: ((pass))
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:42 2006] : DM: Milton gets hal way
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:58 2006] : DM: (( roll another Malkiev))
[Wed Feb 08 01:21:59 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( i want my own hall way too.... ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:22:06 2006] : Miltonberry: target 16 [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Feb 08 01:22:10 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Dex 13 )) [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Feb 08 01:22:16 2006] : ** (7) Dori sighes and decides to just watch them struggle since they won't wait for help from her. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:22:17 2006] : Miltonberry: ((pass))
[Wed Feb 08 01:22:45 2006] : DM: Milton gets to the shore line
[Wed Feb 08 01:22:47 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( pass ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:22:59 2006] : (3) Kahlan: target 15 [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Feb 08 01:23:03 2006] : (3) Kahlan: pass again
[Wed Feb 08 01:23:12 2006] : DM: Malkiev is hanging from th last strand of web and is didging logs and debris
[Wed Feb 08 01:23:20 2006] : DM: dodging even
[Wed Feb 08 01:23:52 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev makes another try at falling to his death **
[Wed Feb 08 01:23:59 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Dex 13 )) [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Feb 08 01:24:09 2006] : (7) Dori: "Malkiev, I could come get you."
[Wed Feb 08 01:24:14 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev succeeds at falling to his death **
[Wed Feb 08 01:24:19 2006] : (7) Dori: "Oh well."
[Wed Feb 08 01:24:25 2006] : (7) Dori: "Nevermind."
[Wed Feb 08 01:25:09 2006] : DM: Malkiev lands on a rather large log tha tfalss under him and appears to be headed for what looks to be the last remnants of a dock
[Wed Feb 08 01:25:36 2006] : (7) Dori: "Wow what a lucky bastard."
[Wed Feb 08 01:26:00 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev attempts to balance in a crouched position on the log in preparation to jump to the dock. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:26:06 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Dex 13 )) [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
[Wed Feb 08 01:26:06 2006] : Miltonberry: (( dock!?, I thought it would be a waterfall))
[Wed Feb 08 01:26:15 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev falls off the log **
[Wed Feb 08 01:26:34 2006] : (7) Dori: ((it was a big rock before, since i almost hit it last game)
[Wed Feb 08 01:26:56 2006] : DM: Malkiev is now clinging from the side of the log as it begins its last approach to the "dock"
[Wed Feb 08 01:27:13 2006] : ** (7) Dori surpresses a laugh. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:27:29 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Is it heading dstraight toward the "dock" ? ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:27:43 2006] : Miltonberry: it's oK, Dori. You can laugh.
[Wed Feb 08 01:27:45 2006] : ** (7) Dori rushes towards the dock to see if she can grab Malkiev as he gets ramed into it. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:27:59 2006] : ** Miltonberry chuckles **
[Wed Feb 08 01:28:15 2006] : DM: (( um yes a bit Nick...))
[Wed Feb 08 01:28:22 2006] : (7) Dori: "Don't worry I get his body."
[Wed Feb 08 01:28:50 2006] : DM: Roll int. Nick Malkiev and Dori))
[Wed Feb 08 01:29:01 2006] : (7) Dori: [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
[Wed Feb 08 01:29:11 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev prepares to reach out to the dock as he nears. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:29:11 2006] : (7) Dori: (ooooh great big fail)
[Wed Feb 08 01:29:31 2006] : DM: (( ten sided Dori))
[Wed Feb 08 01:29:35 2006] : (7) Dori: [1d10] -> [9] = (9)
[Wed Feb 08 01:29:49 2006] : (8) Nick: (( INT -18 )) [1d20] -> [17] = (17)
[Wed Feb 08 01:30:11 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( INT 11 )) 1d20]
[Wed Feb 08 01:30:13 2006] : DM: (( Nick int is a ten))
[Wed Feb 08 01:30:19 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( INT 11 )) [1d20] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Feb 08 01:30:27 2006] : (7) Dori: oh initiative
[Wed Feb 08 01:30:28 2006] : (2) Mike: ) Dorioh initiative added to list at init count 7 !
[Wed Feb 08 01:30:33 2006] : (1) Horis: ((no init is a ten int is 20))
[Wed Feb 08 01:30:37 2006] : (7) Dori: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Feb 08 01:30:58 2006] : DM: ( Thanx Mike forgot about that))
[Wed Feb 08 01:31:20 2006] : (8) Malkiev: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Feb 08 01:31:37 2006] : (2) Mike: ) Dorican you change that init to a 6 then for me. added to list at init count 7 !
[Wed Feb 08 01:32:06 2006] : DM: Dori gets to Malkiev as he finds one last chance to grab for the "dock"
[Wed Feb 08 01:32:27 2006] : ** (7) Dori will attempt to grab Malkiev. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:32:53 2006] : (1) Horis: Dori [6d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1] = (6)init
[Wed Feb 08 01:33:01 2006] : (1) Horis: Dori [6d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1] = (6) init
[Wed Feb 08 01:33:02 2006] : (2) Mike: risDori added to list at init count 6 !
[Wed Feb 08 01:33:22 2006] : DM: (( Malkiev and Dori roll dex and strength checks))
[Wed Feb 08 01:33:50 2006] : (7) Dori: dex (18) [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
[Wed Feb 08 01:34:04 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( dex 13 )) [1d20] -> [1] = (1) (( str 18 )) [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Feb 08 01:34:05 2006] : (7) Dori: str (17) [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
[Wed Feb 08 01:34:15 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Pass x2 ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:34:26 2006] : (7) Dori: failed strength
[Wed Feb 08 01:35:59 2006] : DM: Malkiev reaches out and just getsa grip on the last rail of the dock and swings himself up and onto dry land as the logg smashes into the dock behind him...
[Wed Feb 08 01:37:00 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev stands up, dripping wet and smiles. "Just as I'd planned the whole time." **
[Wed Feb 08 01:37:23 2006] : (7) Dori: "Yeah, right."
[Wed Feb 08 01:37:43 2006] : (7) Dori: "You're still a lucky bastard."
[Wed Feb 08 01:37:49 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /clear is...
[Wed Feb 08 01:38:00 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /go is...
[Wed Feb 08 01:38:04 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /start is...
[Wed Feb 08 01:38:11 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /init is...
[Wed Feb 08 01:38:18 2006] : DM: And the oterhs are still in the tree...
[Wed Feb 08 01:38:28 2006] : DM: others even
[Wed Feb 08 01:38:41 2006] : (8) Malkiev: No, If I were lucky, I would've made it to dry land dry.
[Wed Feb 08 01:38:59 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [14] = (14)
[Wed Feb 08 01:39:09 2006] : (7) Dori: "Come on lets try to help the others. No if you weren't lucky you would have made it to the bottom of the river."
[Wed Feb 08 01:39:16 2006] : (1) Horis: ((fail))
[Wed Feb 08 01:39:25 2006] : (3) Kahlan: target 15 [1d20] -> [18] = (18)
[Wed Feb 08 01:39:37 2006] : (3) Kahlan: ((fail the 3rd dex check)
[Wed Feb 08 01:39:44 2006] : DM: (( Horis roll percentile))
[Wed Feb 08 01:39:45 2006] : (7) Dori: "Oh look, falling idiots."
[Wed Feb 08 01:39:49 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d100] -> [53] = (53)
[Wed Feb 08 01:39:56 2006] : (8) Malkiev: Looks familliar.
[Wed Feb 08 01:40:23 2006] : DM: (( Kahlan Same a Horis))
[Wed Feb 08 01:40:26 2006] : (8) Malkiev: It's like, Deja vu, or something.
[Wed Feb 08 01:40:36 2006] : (7) Dori: "How come done of you have the patience to wait for help." Dori just shakes her head.
[Wed Feb 08 01:40:38 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [1d100] -> [13] = (13)
[Wed Feb 08 01:40:49 2006] : (7) Dori: done = none
[Wed Feb 08 01:41:20 2006] : DM: Horis falls about 10 feet onto the ground and Kahlan falls on him....
[Wed Feb 08 01:41:32 2006] : (1) Horis: Thanks
[Wed Feb 08 01:42:06 2006] : (3) Kahlan: ouch
[Wed Feb 08 01:42:15 2006] : DM: ((Horis take 5 points for falling damage))
[Wed Feb 08 01:42:21 2006] : (3) Kahlan: your not very soft horis
[Wed Feb 08 01:42:45 2006] : DM: (( kahlan takes 4 points for falling damage))
[Wed Feb 08 01:42:55 2006] : (1) Horis: Your not the lightest either
[Wed Feb 08 01:43:34 2006] : DM: wonders if any one else is gettin outta the tree
[Wed Feb 08 01:44:06 2006] : (3) Kahlan: oh shut up..... I'm not heavy...... *stands up*
[Wed Feb 08 01:44:48 2006] : (1) Horis: didn't say you were, just not light.
[Wed Feb 08 01:44:53 2006] : (7) Dori: "Miltonberry, if you want, I will come get you so you don't fall." Dori says to Miltonberry.
[Wed Feb 08 01:45:18 2006] : (1) Horis: He was the first one on shore
[Wed Feb 08 01:45:24 2006] : DM: The ground around the base of the tree starts to give and the sounds accompany the tearing of the roots is a bit unsettling to any who listen....
[Wed Feb 08 01:45:46 2006] : (1) Horis: lets start moving
[Wed Feb 08 01:45:47 2006] : Miltonberry: like, I'm standing right next to you
[Wed Feb 08 01:46:17 2006] : DM: (( Not e to Milton's player no you are not numbskull))
[Wed Feb 08 01:46:28 2006] : Miltonberry: kind of
[Wed Feb 08 01:46:42 2006] : (7) Dori: "No you are in a tree you idiot."
[Wed Feb 08 01:46:53 2006] : Miltonberry: no i'm not
[Wed Feb 08 01:47:16 2006] : DM: (( Mike must of passed out))
[Wed Feb 08 01:47:17 2006] : ** (3) Kahlan moves away from the tree. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:47:22 2006] : Miltonberry: open your friggin' eyes
[Wed Feb 08 01:47:59 2006] : DM: Wonders if Milton knows somethin he does not know....
[Wed Feb 08 01:48:14 2006] : (7) Dori: (Since I no longer have the slightest idea where Milton is)
[Wed Feb 08 01:48:48 2006] : (7) Dori: Dori shruggs, "Okay, if you say you aren't in a tree thats fine with me." She moves to follow Kahlan.
[Wed Feb 08 01:48:59 2006] : Miltonberry: (( milton passed the dex check twice and made it to the shore ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:49:16 2006] : (7) Dori: (That made it out of the web to the tree)
[Wed Feb 08 01:49:35 2006] : (7) Dori: (it took a third to get to the ground)
[Wed Feb 08 01:49:36 2006] : DM: (( I guess I don't remeber telling you you made it))
[Wed Feb 08 01:49:39 2006] : Miltonberry: (( DM said "Milton made it to the shoreline ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:49:52 2006] : (7) Dori: (I am so lost)
[Wed Feb 08 01:49:52 2006] : DM: ok
[Wed Feb 08 01:50:05 2006] : DM: (( MY bad))
[Wed Feb 08 01:50:16 2006] : (8) Malkiev: ((You can be on the shore and in a tree at the same time if the tree is on the shore))
[Wed Feb 08 01:50:23 2006] : Miltonberry: ((it's OK ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:50:24 2006] : DM: (( Sorry))
[Wed Feb 08 01:50:42 2006] : (7) Dori: "I'll go scout."
[Wed Feb 08 01:50:49 2006] : DM: (( Yeah thanx Nick))
[Wed Feb 08 01:50:50 2006] : Miltonberry: (( thanks for the support, Nick))
[Wed Feb 08 01:51:11 2006] : ** (7) Dori heads off in the direction of the tower, scouting for guards and traps. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:51:17 2006] : DM: (( Mlton roll a third dex))
[Wed Feb 08 01:51:45 2006] : Miltonberry: target 16 [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
[Wed Feb 08 01:51:50 2006] : Miltonberry: ((pass))
[Wed Feb 08 01:52:08 2006] : DM: Milton makes it safely to the ground
[Wed Feb 08 01:53:03 2006] : DM: ...(( Now that that is cleared up))
[Wed Feb 08 01:53:37 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev heads off toward the tower **
[Wed Feb 08 01:53:48 2006] : ** (3) Kahlan follows malky **
[Wed Feb 08 01:53:55 2006] : Miltonberry: hey, Dori. wait.
[Wed Feb 08 01:53:58 2006] : DM: Valdrin makes it safely and zombie like to the ground and followsthe war preist....
[Wed Feb 08 01:54:02 2006] : ** Horis follows Malkiev **
[Wed Feb 08 01:54:10 2006] : ** (7) Dori pauses **
[Wed Feb 08 01:54:11 2006] : ** Miltonberry follows Dori **
[Wed Feb 08 01:54:45 2006] : (7) Dori: "Guys maybe I should just go ahead check it out. Then I can come back and tell you if there are guards or traps."
[Wed Feb 08 01:55:12 2006] : Miltonberry: I think we should all stick together
[Wed Feb 08 01:55:26 2006] : (3) Kahlan: now wait a minute, first you didn't want to go near the necromancer and now you want to hurry and go first?
[Wed Feb 08 01:55:26 2006] : (7) Dori: "this is a necromancer's lair. Caution might be wise."
[Wed Feb 08 01:55:34 2006] : (1) Horis: Guards and traps won't deture me anyways so why wait?
[Wed Feb 08 01:55:39 2006] : (3) Kahlan: what's up with that?
[Wed Feb 08 01:55:46 2006] : Miltonberry: Do we look wise, to you??
[Wed Feb 08 01:55:59 2006] : Miltonberry: We'll go together
[Wed Feb 08 01:56:06 2006] : (7) Dori: "I not going rushing in. I just don't want us waling into a trap."
[Wed Feb 08 01:56:10 2006] : ** (3) Kahlan is thinking about slapping Milton. **
[Wed Feb 08 01:56:16 2006] : (7) Dori: Dori looks at the others.
[Wed Feb 08 01:56:35 2006] : (7) Dori: "Well now that you mention it, Milton,"
[Wed Feb 08 01:56:52 2006] : (1) Horis: That the only thing that will happen anyways.
[Wed Feb 08 01:57:09 2006] : DM: (( everyone move your tokens to the right of the new symbol
[Wed Feb 08 01:57:13 2006] : (8) Malkiev: Since Horis isn't worried about traps, let him walk point.
[Wed Feb 08 01:57:51 2006] : DM: (( ok good ))
[Wed Feb 08 01:58:35 2006] : (7) Dori: "Well, its just that it seems a waste of my skills, but if Horis rather set the traps off, its his choice."
[Wed Feb 08 01:59:13 2006] : Miltonberry: remember the second mouse
[Wed Feb 08 01:59:22 2006] : (1) Horis: It ok just don't go to far ahead and get yourself into trouble.
[Wed Feb 08 01:59:30 2006] : (8) Malkiev: Who needs skills? I'm "lucky," remember?
[Wed Feb 08 01:59:52 2006] : DM: You find your selves back under the heavy canopy of the swamplands and loosing all sense of time of day...
[Wed Feb 08 01:59:54 2006] : (7) Dori: "I won't I promise. And yes Malkiev you are lucky, but luck doesn't last for ever."
[Wed Feb 08 02:00:35 2006] : Miltonberry: ain't THAT the truth
[Wed Feb 08 02:01:12 2006] : ** (7) Dori will take point. She will move from shadow to shadow and try to stay out of sight. Ocassionally she will drop back to inform everyone else of anything along the trail. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:01:31 2006] : DM: As Dori starts to make her way to the tower she finds herself so much further away then she would have imagined...
[Wed Feb 08 02:02:07 2006] : Miltonberry: (( what time of day is it? ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:02:26 2006] : DM: (( some one smack Ken))
[Wed Feb 08 02:03:10 2006] : Miltonberry: (( sorry, i'm a little slow, here ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:03:24 2006] : DM: (( slow every where else too))
[Wed Feb 08 02:03:51 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( stop picking on him todd..... he probably had a rough day at work.))
[Wed Feb 08 02:04:15 2006] : Miltonberry: (( just wondering about that whole "traveling at night" thing ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:04:41 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Under the trees it's always night ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:05:01 2006] : DM: (( who kidnapped Kat and who replaced her?))
[Wed Feb 08 02:05:49 2006] : Miltonberry: (( who cares, I like the new one ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:06:00 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( sorry I'm not a complete and total bitch... I'll try and do better ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:06:11 2006] : (7) Dori: Whenever Dori thinks she is getting to far ahead she will stop and wait for the others
[Wed Feb 08 02:06:20 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( thanks ken ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:06:41 2006] : DM: (( lol...love ya Kat))
[Wed Feb 08 02:07:34 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( yeah whatever ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:08:21 2006] : DM: ((That is Dois path))
[Wed Feb 08 02:09:03 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev stops and waits for Dori to get ahead whenever he spots her. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:09:11 2006] : DM: As you all move behind Dori you find that the sraight path to the tower is impossible....
[Wed Feb 08 02:10:12 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Of course it is. Wouldn't want it to be easy to get there or anything. We mught actually complete the mission sometime this century if it was. ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:10:42 2006] : ** (7) Dori will try to chose the best path to work their way to the tower. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:11:03 2006] : Miltonberry: (( complete the mission? now THAT'S funny! ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:11:08 2006] : (1) Horis: ((we could slow it down to vampire speed.... ;) ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:11:32 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( lol you are such a dreamer nick ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:11:50 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Stand around discussing whether or not there IS a tower for the next century? ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:11:54 2006] : DM: (( Now that is impossible you guys have too much info already))
[Wed Feb 08 02:11:55 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( i thought we were already ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:11:58 2006] : ** (7) Dori will climb a tree to make sure she is heading in the right direction **
[Wed Feb 08 02:12:11 2006] : Miltonberry: (( now, c'mon! we finally got the prince! now all we have to do is ... well, i'm not quite sure, but we've got to be pretty close ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:12:46 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( that's ok ken joe doesn't even know what we have to do now either ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:12:46 2006] : DM: (( roll it Dori))
[Wed Feb 08 02:12:56 2006] : (7) Dori: [1d100] -> [88] = (88)
[Wed Feb 08 02:12:59 2006] : (7) Dori: pass
[Wed Feb 08 02:13:41 2006] : DM: You see that your are not quite where you thoughtyou should be but you are making good progress....
[Wed Feb 08 02:14:05 2006] : Miltonberry: (( we could chop off his arms and legs... that is, before we give him to Riley ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:14:35 2006] : ** (7) Dori adjusts the path she is taking, and leads the group towards the tower. As she continues to scout. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:15:26 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( OMG! We've just had more discussion about the vampire game than we ever have while actually playing! ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:15:43 2006] : DM: (( By the time we get back to playin vamp Rilkey will be prince))
[Wed Feb 08 02:16:40 2006] : DM: As you get closer to the tower you start to see signs of graves and make shift camps
[Wed Feb 08 02:16:48 2006] : Miltonberry: (( i'm not so sure that's a good thing ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:16:52 2006] : (7) Dori: ((Dori slays the vampire on her way to the tower))
[Wed Feb 08 02:17:01 2006] : ** (7) Dori will go back to the group. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:17:15 2006] : (7) Dori: "There are graves and some make shift camps ahead.
[Wed Feb 08 02:17:37 2006] : (7) Dori: "I could sneak into the camp and find out who is camped there if you want me to?"
[Wed Feb 08 02:17:50 2006] : ** (8) Christian gets slayed by a person who doesn't exist on a world that doesn't exist. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:17:54 2006] : (1) Horis: Well it doesn't sound like too goo of a place to stop...
[Wed Feb 08 02:18:00 2006] : Miltonberry: are you saying that the dead are camping out?
[Wed Feb 08 02:18:14 2006] : Miltonberry: that edoesn't make sense
[Wed Feb 08 02:18:55 2006] : DM: (( is edoesn't like ecommerce or ebanking?))
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:00 2006] : (7) Dori: "Honestly I don't know. I just know there are graves ahead. And a some makeshift camps. Could be some of the necromancer's men raiding the graves."
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:18 2006] : Miltonberry: (( i don't eknow ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:28 2006] : (7) Dori: "Or it could be the dog-men"
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:48 2006] : (7) Dori: "Do you want me to sneak up there and find out."
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:49 2006] : DM: (( everyone roll a d10))
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:52 2006] : (1) Horis: can we just go around the camp and make it to the tower?
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:56 2006] : (7) Dori: [1d10] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:57 2006] : Miltonberry: [1d10] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:59 2006] : (8) Malkiev: [1d10] -> [10] = (10)
[Wed Feb 08 02:19:59 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d10] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Feb 08 02:20:00 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [1d10] -> [6] = (6)
[Wed Feb 08 02:20:39 2006] : (7) Dori: "Not sure. We might be able too, but I would still need to take a closer look in the area."
[Wed Feb 08 02:21:03 2006] : (7) Dori: "I just turned and came back as soon as I saw the graves and camps."
[Wed Feb 08 02:21:19 2006] : ** Horis starts look around carefully and pulls out his axe. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:21:44 2006] : (1) Horis: quiet Dori
[Wed Feb 08 02:21:57 2006] : ** (7) Dori seeing Horis pull his weapon draws hers. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:22:24 2006] : ** Miltonberry notices dori and Horis drawing their weapons **
[Wed Feb 08 02:22:28 2006] : Miltonberry: what is it?
[Wed Feb 08 02:22:49 2006] : (1) Horis: shhhs Milton...
[Wed Feb 08 02:22:58 2006] : ** Horis look around more. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:23:05 2006] : ** Miltonberry pulls out his flail **
[Wed Feb 08 02:24:21 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev forgets he isn't Drizzt Do'Urden and draws his weapons so fast they seem to just appear in his hands. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:24:27 2006] : DM: (( everyone roll a d10 again))
[Wed Feb 08 02:24:31 2006] : (7) Dori: [1d10] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Feb 08 02:24:34 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [1d10] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Feb 08 02:24:36 2006] : (8) Malkiev: [1d10] -> [2] = (2)
[Wed Feb 08 02:24:40 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d10] -> [7] = (7)
[Wed Feb 08 02:24:51 2006] : Miltonberry: [1d10] -> [4] = (4)
[Wed Feb 08 02:25:27 2006] : DM: All of you hear a noise not so faint as before but definetly coming from behind you ....
[Wed Feb 08 02:25:43 2006] : (3) Kahlan: great.....
[Wed Feb 08 02:25:45 2006] : ** Miltonberry whirls around **
[Wed Feb 08 02:25:50 2006] : DM: It begins to take on a large ominous sound....
[Wed Feb 08 02:25:56 2006] : (1) Horis: Shit you walked us into a trap...
[Wed Feb 08 02:26:04 2006] : (3) Kahlan: thanks dori
[Wed Feb 08 02:26:11 2006] : Miltonberry: break it, Horis
[Wed Feb 08 02:26:13 2006] : (3) Kahlan: now i know why you wanted to lead
[Wed Feb 08 02:26:45 2006] : (7) Dori: "Oh screw you." Dori moves back the way they came to see what is coming.
[Wed Feb 08 02:26:54 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev turns around. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:27:00 2006] : Miltonberry: (( that could be a thousand different things "large ominous sound" ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:27:16 2006] : (9) tops (enter): 02:27
[Wed Feb 08 02:27:18 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( TERRASQUE!!!! ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:27:21 2006] : ** Horis stays close to Dori **
[Wed Feb 08 02:27:28 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( in todds wiorld it means one and only one thing.... certain death for us ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:27:40 2006] : Miltonberry: (( no, please not that ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:28:45 2006] : DM: As the tall grass and swamp weeds cover most of your view you still begin to see what can only be called a large humanid head coming towrds you from a bit far off...
[Wed Feb 08 02:28:52 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( actually it's worse than that.... it's the sound of hundreds of doors closing, ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:29:12 2006] : DM: (( or opening))
[Wed Feb 08 02:29:18 2006] : Miltonberry: (( shit ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:29:19 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( At least they're not opening... ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:29:20 2006] : (7) Dori: "Horis, you know didn't intentionally lead you into a trap."
[Wed Feb 08 02:29:37 2006] : (1) Horis: YEs I know I still don't like it.
[Wed Feb 08 02:29:38 2006] : (7) Dori: "What is that?"
[Wed Feb 08 02:29:52 2006] : DM: (( spoke too soon Nick))
[Wed Feb 08 02:29:59 2006] : (1) Horis: Something that should fall hard.
[Wed Feb 08 02:30:01 2006] : (8) Malkiev: So much for those "skills"...
[Wed Feb 08 02:30:07 2006] : DM: (( Horis roll a int. check))
[Wed Feb 08 02:30:24 2006] : (9) tops: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Feb 08 02:30:24 2006] : (9) tops (exit): 02:30
[Wed Feb 08 02:30:34 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
[Wed Feb 08 02:30:40 2006] : (1) Horis: ((pass))
[Wed Feb 08 02:31:38 2006] : (1) Horis: Well this one should be fun.
[Wed Feb 08 02:32:04 2006] : (7) Dori: "Hey it came up behind us, I was scouting in front."
[Wed Feb 08 02:32:07 2006] : DM: (( jungle/swamp giant))
[Wed Feb 08 02:32:24 2006] : DM: (( disregard that everyone))
[Wed Feb 08 02:32:33 2006] : DM: (( damn it damn it damn it
[Wed Feb 08 02:32:42 2006] : (7) Dori: "Maybe we don't have to fight it. Maybe it will listen to reason."
[Wed Feb 08 02:32:45 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Disregarded. ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:32:58 2006] : DM: (( the jury is instructed to disregard that last question))
[Wed Feb 08 02:33:13 2006] : Miltonberry: (( what's metagaming? ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:33:23 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( GUILTY!! Hang 'im! ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:33:27 2006] : DM: (( councilor this is your last warning about leading the witness))
[Wed Feb 08 02:33:41 2006] : (10) Shade (enter): 02:33
[Wed Feb 08 02:33:47 2006] : Miltonberry: (( SUSTAINED ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:33:52 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( but with an old rope.... not worth a new one ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:33:55 2006] : DM: ((( ahhhhhhhhhhhh Rand dork))))))
[Wed Feb 08 02:34:08 2006] : (1) Horis: This is not the best ground to have this fight on we need to clear some space quick.
[Wed Feb 08 02:34:17 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Hi Shade ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:34:48 2006] : (10) Shade: ((Hello.))
[Wed Feb 08 02:34:54 2006] : (3) Kahlan: and how do we do that?
[Wed Feb 08 02:34:59 2006] : (7) Dori: "Wouldn't the tree make it easier for us? Harder for him to get at us."
[Wed Feb 08 02:35:15 2006] : Miltonberry: (( quick, we need a shitload of herbicide ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:35:26 2006] : (8) Malkiev: That's what I would think
[Wed Feb 08 02:35:37 2006] : (1) Horis: not the tree the vines
[Wed Feb 08 02:35:50 2006] : Miltonberry: web him!
[Wed Feb 08 02:35:53 2006] : DM: The creature what ever it may be appaers to have no trouble moving i na straight line throught the swamp that has held you up.....
[Wed Feb 08 02:36:05 2006] : DM: ((brb))
[Wed Feb 08 02:36:16 2006] : (7) Dori: "We could hide."
[Wed Feb 08 02:36:30 2006] : (1) Horis: I don't hide well...
[Wed Feb 08 02:36:37 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( OMG! It's a brb! Run for your lives! ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:36:40 2006] : Miltonberry: i got it! if we hide in the ground, he'll never see us. Hey! the graves!
[Wed Feb 08 02:36:47 2006] : (7) Dori: "Well I am good at hiding things."
[Wed Feb 08 02:36:58 2006] : (3) Kahlan: yeah great idea milton... go bury yourself
[Wed Feb 08 02:37:00 2006] : (7) Dori: "I could hid us."
[Wed Feb 08 02:37:08 2006] : (7) Dori: hide*
[Wed Feb 08 02:37:19 2006] : (8) Malkiev: I'm not planning to crawl in any grave but my own, and not for a long while yet.
[Wed Feb 08 02:37:31 2006] : (1) Horis: can you hide our smell also?
[Wed Feb 08 02:37:45 2006] : (7) Dori: "We hide down wind."
[Wed Feb 08 02:37:53 2006] : (3) Kahlan: well probably not Milton's
[Wed Feb 08 02:39:37 2006] : DM: ((been back for a minute now))
[Wed Feb 08 02:39:51 2006] : (7) Dori: "Do you want to try to hide from it? I'm sure we can beat it but we will be to weaken to face the necromancer if we do fight it."
[Wed Feb 08 02:39:55 2006] : Miltonberry: rr(( why didn't ya say so?))
[Wed Feb 08 02:39:56 2006] : DM: ((too busy laffin at the encouragemnt milton got to bury himself))
[Wed Feb 08 02:40:36 2006] : ** (7) Dori will start to look for a place to hide the group. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:40:51 2006] : Miltonberry: we could try. what's the worst that could happen? we don't escape and end up fighting anyway.
[Wed Feb 08 02:41:26 2006] : (1) Horis: Hiding is just a pralude to ambush.
[Wed Feb 08 02:41:27 2006] : ** (7) Dori starts helping the others to hide. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:41:59 2006] : DM: Upon closer obsevation you see that there is what appears to be a very large rope over the beasts shoulder....
[Wed Feb 08 02:42:14 2006] : (7) Dori: "The fight is with the necromancer not this giant. So lets hide."
[Wed Feb 08 02:42:28 2006] : DM: It appears to attached to something on the ground....
[Wed Feb 08 02:42:44 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev is klooking for a hiding place. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:42:58 2006] : ** (7) Dori is pointing out the best hiding spots. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:43:17 2006] : ** (3) Kahlan is also looking for a place to hide. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:43:17 2006] : (7) Dori: "We will see what it is pulling when it passes."
[Wed Feb 08 02:43:21 2006] : Miltonberry: (( is it attached to our donkey?))
[Wed Feb 08 02:43:41 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( probably ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:43:55 2006] : ** Miltonberry hides in one of the spots Dori pointed out. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:44:00 2006] : ** Horis takes a spot we he can still see the aproch **
[Wed Feb 08 02:44:41 2006] : ** (7) Dori will make look to make sure everyone is well out of sight then will slip into her own hiding spot. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:45:42 2006] : DM: you can begin to make out some of the facial features of the towering beast and it appears to female and greenish tinted....
[Wed Feb 08 02:45:55 2006] : Miltonberry: ((MISS))
[Wed Feb 08 02:46:35 2006] : Miltonberry: (( the jolly green Giantette? Well, we hope she's jolly ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:47:14 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Where's that damn halfling and his ruby pendant when you need him? ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:47:23 2006] : (10) Shade: ((*giantess))
[Wed Feb 08 02:47:43 2006] : Miltonberry: (( sue me ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:48:01 2006] : DM: (( thank you Shade...tha twas dangerously close to giant tit for me...))
[Wed Feb 08 02:48:05 2006] : (10) Shade: ((What, for grammar? I wish.))
[Wed Feb 08 02:49:24 2006] : Miltonberry: (( twat? I cunt hear you. I have an ear infucktion from screwba diving. Tits OK. We'll finger it out later.))
[Wed Feb 08 02:49:30 2006] : DM: All of you feel very confident in Dori's ability to hid you all in your respective ambush spots...
[Wed Feb 08 02:51:08 2006] : (7) Dori (exit): 02:51
[Wed Feb 08 02:51:08 2006] : (7) Dori (enter): 02:51
[Wed Feb 08 02:51:14 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev takes his place in hiding. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:51:22 2006] : Attempting to assign the role of PLAYER to (7) Dori...
[Wed Feb 08 02:52:24 2006] : ** (6) Ken scratches his butt **
[Wed Feb 08 02:52:41 2006] : ** (8) Nick slaps Ken. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:53:20 2006] : DM: As t he giantesse goes by you see she is pulling a large "sled" of sorts with a large gage on it....
[Wed Feb 08 02:53:59 2006] : ** (6) Ken slaps Nick wiht hand he was scratching with **
[Wed Feb 08 02:54:08 2006] : (7) Dori: (What kind of gage)
[Wed Feb 08 02:54:10 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( What's a gage? ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:54:35 2006] : (7) Dori: ((do you mean gauge))
[Wed Feb 08 02:54:55 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( or cage ? ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:55:14 2006] : DM: In the cage you see children of all ages and there appear to be orc over seers standing watch over them...
[Wed Feb 08 02:55:17 2006] : (7) Dori: ((cage makes more sense))
[Wed Feb 08 02:55:20 2006] : DM: (( cage even))
[Wed Feb 08 02:55:45 2006] : (6) Ken: (( we're all gonna die ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:56:06 2006] : ** Horis runs to the cage to free the children. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:56:06 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev rushes from his hiding spot and charges the orcs. **
[Wed Feb 08 02:56:07 2006] : (7) Dori: The sight is enough for Dori, She leaps out of the tree and drives her sabre into the back of the giantess."
[Wed Feb 08 02:56:30 2006] : ** (6) Ken lunges for the rope attached to the sled **
[Wed Feb 08 02:56:43 2006] : ** (3) Kahlan kahlan follows horis **
[Wed Feb 08 02:56:57 2006] : ** Miltonberry even **
[Wed Feb 08 02:57:39 2006] : DM: The orcs are carrying nasty looking whips and the giantesse appears to have a large club...more like a small tree
[Wed Feb 08 02:57:52 2006] : Miltonberry: (( well, folks.. the attack has started, time to go home ))
[Wed Feb 08 02:58:12 2006] : DM: She is easily 16' tall...
[Wed Feb 08 02:58:35 2006] : (7) Dori: (That is why I jumping out of the tree to get her back)
[Wed Feb 08 02:58:42 2006] : DM: (( initiative))
[Wed Feb 08 02:58:46 2006] : ** Miltonberry attacks the rope with the hand axe **
[Wed Feb 08 02:58:54 2006] : (7) Dori: (we don't get surprise)
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:04 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Dori))
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:12 2006] : (7) Dori: Dori: Init with Quality Saber : [1d10+4] -> [4,4] = (8) init
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:19 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Malkiev))
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:20 2006] : (2) Mike: ) DoriDori: Init with Quality Saber :  added to list at init count 8 !
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:27 2006] : DM: (( you al lget surprise but you still need to see who goes first))
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:30 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Attacking )) [1d10+4] -> [3,4] = (7)
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:37 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Milton))
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:41 2006] : Miltonberry: [1d10+4] -> [10,4] = (14)
[Wed Feb 08 02:59:47 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Feb 08 03:00:14 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Horis))
[Wed Feb 08 03:00:29 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d10+4] -> [4,4] = (8)
[Wed Feb 08 03:01:03 2006] : (1) Horis: Malkiev [7d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (7) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:01:09 2006] : (2) Mike: risMalkiev added to list at init count 7 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:01:39 2006] : (1) Horis: Milton [14d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (14) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:01:41 2006] : (2) Mike: risMilton added to list at init count 14 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:02:02 2006] : (1) Horis: Horis [8d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (8) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:02:04 2006] : (2) Mike: risHoris added to list at init count 8 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:02:13 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Feb 08 03:03:10 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [1d10+1] -> [1,1] = (2) magic missle
[Wed Feb 08 03:03:41 2006] : (1) Horis: Kahlan [2d1] -> [1,1] = (2) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:03:46 2006] : (2) Mike: risKahlan added to list at init count 2 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:03:55 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /go is...
[Wed Feb 08 03:04:03 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /start is...
[Wed Feb 08 03:04:21 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /go is...
[Wed Feb 08 03:04:27 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Feb 08 03:04:36 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Feb 08 03:05:22 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:05:30 2006] : (1) Horis: nextinit
[Wed Feb 08 03:05:33 2006] : (3) Kahlan: *4 darts of magical energy shoot from Kahlan's fingertips towards one of the orcs.
[Wed Feb 08 03:05:37 2006] : (2) Mike:
1) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [2] risKahlan
(on deck: [6] ris: Dori )

[Wed Feb 08 03:05:42 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
[Wed Feb 08 03:05:47 2006] : (3) Kahlan: no crit
[Wed Feb 08 03:06:08 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:06:36 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [4d4+4] -> [3,3,3,2,4] = (15)
[Wed Feb 08 03:06:50 2006] : (3) Kahlan: to orc closet to cage with the kids
[Wed Feb 08 03:07:26 2006] : DM: The orc is basically vaporized and the remaining "jailers" take off into the jungle....
[Wed Feb 08 03:07:44 2006] : DM: The first jumps into the swmap and sinks out of site...
[Wed Feb 08 03:07:48 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Feb 08 03:07:51 2006] : (1) Horis: nextinit
[Wed Feb 08 03:07:53 2006] : (2) Mike:
2) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [6] risDori
(on deck: [7] ) Dori: oh initiative

[Wed Feb 08 03:08:09 2006] : ** (7) Dori leaps from the tree attempting to drive her twin sabers into the back of the beast and ride them down to the ground. **
[Wed Feb 08 03:08:13 2006] : (7) Dori: Attack: Quality Saber - AC hit is : [9-1d20] -> [9,-3] = (6)
[Wed Feb 08 03:08:13 2006] : (7) Dori: Attack: Quality Saber - AC hit is : [9-1d20] -> [9,-14] = (-5)
[Wed Feb 08 03:08:22 2006] : DM: ac 2
[Wed Feb 08 03:08:27 2006] : (7) Dori: Damage vs large: Quality Saber: [1d8+3] -> [5,3] = (8)
[Wed Feb 08 03:08:46 2006] : (7) Dori: (that is a backstab so 24 points)
[Wed Feb 08 03:09:20 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /initon is...
[Wed Feb 08 03:09:24 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /init is...
[Wed Feb 08 03:09:38 2006] : DM: The giantesse screams out in an angry voice and drops the rope....
[Wed Feb 08 03:09:39 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Feb 08 03:09:48 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /init is...
[Wed Feb 08 03:09:53 2006] : (1) Horis: nextinit\
[Wed Feb 08 03:09:57 2006] : (1) Horis: nextinit
[Wed Feb 08 03:09:59 2006] : (2) Mike:
3) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [7] ) Dorioh initiative
(on deck: [7] ) Dori: can you change that init to a 6 then for me.

[Wed Feb 08 03:10:03 2006] : (1) Horis: nextinit
[Wed Feb 08 03:10:19 2006] : (1) Horis: nextinit
[Wed Feb 08 03:10:20 2006] : (2) Mike:
4) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [7] ) Dorican you change that init to a 6 then for me.
(on deck: [7] ris: Malkiev )

[Wed Feb 08 03:10:21 2006] : (2) Mike:
5) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [7] risMalkiev
(on deck: [8] ) Dori: Dori: Init with Quality Saber : )

[Wed Feb 08 03:10:21 2006] : (2) Mike:
6) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [8] ) DoriDori: Init with Quality Saber : 
(on deck: [8] ris: Horis )

[Wed Feb 08 03:10:44 2006] : (7) Dori: (it appears the initiative buffer wasn't cleared)
[Wed Feb 08 03:10:44 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Malkiev))
[Wed Feb 08 03:11:05 2006] : (1) Horis: ((yeah don't know how to remotly))
[Wed Feb 08 03:11:08 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:11:14 2006] : ** (8) Malkiev hacks at the nearest orc **
[Wed Feb 08 03:11:19 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Axe hits AC )) [11-1d20] -> [11,-4] = (7)
[Wed Feb 08 03:11:25 2006] : (8) Malkiev: ((SSwd hits AC)) [15-1d20] -> [15,-1] = (14)
[Wed Feb 08 03:11:36 2006] : Miltonberry: (( init buffer on different server ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:11:44 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( ac ? ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:12:11 2006] : DM: The last of the reamining orcs falls to Malkiev's careful and considerate ministrations...
[Wed Feb 08 03:12:15 2006] : ** Sorry, don't understand what a /initload is...
[Wed Feb 08 03:12:48 2006] : DM: (( i know you did not roll damage but trust me on this one))
[Wed Feb 08 03:12:52 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Umm... I fumbled the sword attack. ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:13:12 2006] : DM: (( oh I missed read tha tsorry))
[Wed Feb 08 03:13:17 2006] : Miltonberry: (( dude, shut up))
[Wed Feb 08 03:13:40 2006] : Miltonberry: (( that was to Nick))
[Wed Feb 08 03:13:44 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( to late ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:13:46 2006] : DM: (( d10 Nick))
[Wed Feb 08 03:13:54 2006] : (8) Malkiev: [1d10] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:03 2006] : DM: (( the orc is still dead))
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:28 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( So, I accidentally killed it on purpose. ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:32 2006] : DM: (( no special effect dude))
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:40 2006] : Miltonberry: (( it was the smell ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:45 2006] : DM: (( continue))
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:46 2006] : Configuration loaded successfully.
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:47 2006] :
Init Tool system config v2.2.4

[Wed Feb 08 03:14:47 2006] : Init Recording: disabled
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:48 2006] : System: D20
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:49 2006] : Sandglass: disabled
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:49 2006] : Sandglass force skip: disabled
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:50 2006] : Autosave: disabled
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:50 2006] : Hide IDs: disabled
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:56 2006] : (1) Horis: Booting '(2) Mike' from room...
[Wed Feb 08 03:14:57 2006] : (2) Mike (exit): 03:14
[Wed Feb 08 03:15:20 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Horis))
[Wed Feb 08 03:15:22 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Horis))
[Wed Feb 08 03:15:55 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:15:56 2006] : ** Horis wacks at the giants leg with hand axe **
[Wed Feb 08 03:16:01 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
[Wed Feb 08 03:16:08 2006] : (1) Horis: ((hit))
[Wed Feb 08 03:16:15 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:16:19 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d4+1] -> [3,1] = (4)
[Wed Feb 08 03:16:46 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Milton))
[Wed Feb 08 03:16:54 2006] : DM: ((don't you get extra damage or somthing for being a dwarf against a giant))
[Wed Feb 08 03:17:10 2006] : (7) Dori: (you get a plus to hit I think)
[Wed Feb 08 03:17:44 2006] : DM: ((oh ok))
[Wed Feb 08 03:17:57 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Feb 08 03:18:02 2006] : ** Miltonberry attacks the rope with the hand axe **
[Wed Feb 08 03:18:18 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:18:26 2006] : DM: ac 0
[Wed Feb 08 03:18:27 2006] : Miltonberry: ((what's the AC for the rope? ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:18:30 2006] : Miltonberry: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
[Wed Feb 08 03:18:51 2006] : Miltonberry: (( miss))
[Wed Feb 08 03:18:53 2006] : Init recording on.
[Wed Feb 08 03:18:58 2006] : (7) Dori: (Miltonberry you do know the giant dropped the rope))
[Wed Feb 08 03:19:36 2006] : Miltonberry: (( yeah, but that's what I was planning to attack before the giantess dropped it and when I rolled init))
[Wed Feb 08 03:19:37 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Feb 08 03:19:47 2006] : (1) Horis: ((end))
[Wed Feb 08 03:19:56 2006] : DM: ( have you ever heard of adapting?))
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:02 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:04 2006] : (7) Dori: ((so you attacked a rope lying on the ground and still missed))
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:17 2006] : DM: ((declare your actions))
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:28 2006] : DM: (( initiative))
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:36 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Dori))
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:50 2006] : (7) Dori: Dori moves to continue her attack on the giantess.
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:52 2006] : Dori: Init with Quality Saber : added to list at init count 8 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:52 2006] : (7) Dori: Dori: Init with Quality Saber : [1d10+4] -> [4,4] = (8) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:20:59 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Malkiev))
[Wed Feb 08 03:21:12 2006] : (( Attacking )) added to list at init count 13 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:21:13 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( Attacking )) [1d10+4] -> [9,4] = (13) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:21:18 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Kahlan))
[Wed Feb 08 03:21:55 2006] : (3) Kahlan: magic missle again [1d10+1] -> [10,1] = (11)
[Wed Feb 08 03:22:03 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Milton))
[Wed Feb 08 03:22:30 2006] : Kahlan added to list at init count 11 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:22:31 2006] : (1) Horis: Kahlan [11d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (11) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:22:49 2006] : Miltonberry: [1d10+7] -> [2,7] = (9)
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:00 2006] : (1) Horis: ((Horis))
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:02 2006] : ** Miltonberry gets out the flail **
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:28 2006] : hand axe added to list at init count 10 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:29 2006] : (1) Horis: hand axe [1d10+4] -> [6,4] = (10) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:31 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:35 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:48 2006] : Milton added to list at init count 9 !
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:48 2006] : (1) Horis: Milton [9d1] -> [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] = (9) init
[Wed Feb 08 03:23:53 2006] :
1) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [8] Dori: Init with Quality Saber :
(on deck: [9] Milton )

[Wed Feb 08 03:24:00 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:24:14 2006] : ** (7) Dori strikes at the giantess's legs with her sabres. **
[Wed Feb 08 03:24:16 2006] : (7) Dori: Attack: Quality Saber - AC hit is : [13-1d20] -> [13,-15] = (-2)
[Wed Feb 08 03:24:16 2006] : (7) Dori: Attack: Quality Saber - AC hit is : [13-1d20] -> [13,-12] = (1)
[Wed Feb 08 03:24:21 2006] : (7) Dori: Damage vs large: Quality Saber: [1d8+3] -> [8,3] = (11)
[Wed Feb 08 03:24:22 2006] : (7) Dori: Damage vs large: Quality Saber: [1d8+3] -> [7,3] = (10)
[Wed Feb 08 03:24:42 2006] : DM: (( both shold of hit))
[Wed Feb 08 03:25:03 2006] : ** (7) Dori leaves large wounds in the giantess's legs. (21 points total this roung) **
[Wed Feb 08 03:25:07 2006] : (7) Dori: round*
[Wed Feb 08 03:25:19 2006] : DM: The giantesse is hamstrung...but not dead....
[Wed Feb 08 03:25:26 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Feb 08 03:25:31 2006] :
(on deck: [10] hand axe )

[Wed Feb 08 03:25:45 2006] : ** Miltonberry attacks the giantess **
[Wed Feb 08 03:25:49 2006] : DM: that rope is in touble now))
[Wed Feb 08 03:25:56 2006] : Miltonberry: [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
[Wed Feb 08 03:26:10 2006] : Miltonberry: ((miss))
[Wed Feb 08 03:26:12 2006] :
3) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [10] hand axe
(on deck: [11] Kahlan )

[Wed Feb 08 03:26:14 2006] : DM: ((next))
[Wed Feb 08 03:26:23 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d20] -> [16] = (16)
[Wed Feb 08 03:26:31 2006] : (1) Horis: ((hit))
[Wed Feb 08 03:26:35 2006] : (1) Horis: [1d4+1] -> [2,1] = (3)
[Wed Feb 08 03:26:37 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:26:50 2006] :
4) NOW UP FOR THE KILLING: [11] Kahlan
(on deck: [13] (( Attacking )) )

[Wed Feb 08 03:27:26 2006] : DM: She screams in anger and pain but begins to swing her tree...
[Wed Feb 08 03:27:28 2006] : (3) Kahlan: *4 darts of magical energy shoot from kahlans fingertips into the giantess*
[Wed Feb 08 03:27:33 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
[Wed Feb 08 03:27:36 2006] : (3) Kahlan: crit
[Wed Feb 08 03:27:41 2006] : DM: ((roll it ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:28:00 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [1d10] -> [8] = (8)
[Wed Feb 08 03:28:06 2006] : DM: (( doouble normal;
[Wed Feb 08 03:28:22 2006] : DM: double even
[Wed Feb 08 03:28:29 2006] : (3) Kahlan: [4d4+4] -> [1,4,1,3,4] = (13)
[Wed Feb 08 03:28:35 2006] : (3) Kahlan: 26 pts dmg
[Wed Feb 08 03:28:57 2006] : DM: (( Have I ever told you bastardsi hate you? Really))
[Wed Feb 08 03:29:09 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( all the time toad
[Wed Feb 08 03:29:34 2006] : DM: The giantesse falls with a gaping burned hole in her head....
[Wed Feb 08 03:29:58 2006] : (3) Kahlan: can anyone pick these locks?
[Wed Feb 08 03:30:10 2006] : (7) Dori: "Well that was easier than I thought." Dori says as she moves towards the kids. "I can try."
[Wed Feb 08 03:30:12 2006] : Clearing Initiative List !
[Wed Feb 08 03:30:32 2006] : DM: (( 1300 xp per person))
[Wed Feb 08 03:30:42 2006] : (8) Malkiev: (( How about we just burn the damn kids so we don't have to worry about them and we can get on with uour mission.... ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:30:43 2006] : ** (7) Dori will start working on the locks. **
[Wed Feb 08 03:30:58 2006] : DM: (( sasve it Joe))
[Wed Feb 08 03:31:49 2006] : (7) Dori: "Hmm hold on kids, I will have you out in a moment."
[Wed Feb 08 03:32:04 2006] : DM: The lock pops open as the kids cower tat the back of the cage ....
[Wed Feb 08 03:32:14 2006] : Miltonberry: (( burn them, no. but we could just leave them here ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:32:31 2006] : ** (7) Dori reaches in. "Its okay kids your safe." **
[Wed Feb 08 03:32:38 2006] : (3) Kahlan: (( ooohhhh the paladin is going to kick your ass ken ))
[Wed Feb 08 03:33:07 2006] : DM: (( time to start kil- I mean giving you guys tougher things to fight))
[Wed Feb 08 03:33:08 2006] : ** (7) Dori offers her hand to the kids. **
[Wed Feb 08 03:33:16 2006] : DM: (( save it Joe?))
[Wed Feb 08 03:33:46 2006] : DM: They continue to hide at the back of the cage....
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:00 2006] : (1) enwewn: (saved)
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:03 2006] : DM: No amount of coaxing is going to get them out too quickly...
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:23 2006] : DM: (( That is a wrap folks.....))
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:24 2006] : (1) Horis: how many do you count Dori?
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:31 2006] : ** Miltonberry jumps into the cage with the children **
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:39 2006] : ** (7) Dori will enter cage. "Hi, I'm Dori what are your names." She says as she counts. **
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:40 2006] : (10) Shade: Great.
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:44 2006] : Miltonberry: hey, Kids!
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:48 2006] : (10) Shade: (Oh, I thought it was over.)
[Wed Feb 08 03:34:58 2006] : (1) Horis: (it should be)
[Wed Feb 08 03:35:07 2006] : DM: Next session is action from out set...you guys are close
[Wed Feb 08 03:35:13 2006] : DM: closer then you think
[Wed Feb 08 03:35:31 2006] : (1) enwewn: ok kiddies
[Wed Feb 08 03:37:31 2006] : (1) enwewn: everyone type your status into the chat so we have it for next time
[Wed Feb 08 03:38:32 2006] : (7) Dori: Dori AC:6 HP: 42/45 SF:54/85
[Wed Feb 08 03:38:36 2006] : (1) enwewn: hp 69/74 sp 0/39
[Wed Feb 08 03:39:04 2006] : (6) Ken has sent you a tree node...
[Wed Feb 08 03:39:09 2006] : (8) Malkiev: AC: 4. HP 35/35
[Wed Feb 08 03:39:16 2006] : (3) Kahlan: ac5 hp 14/20 sp 17/20
[Wed Feb 08 03:39:27 2006] : Miltonberry: AC: 4 HP: 48/54
[Wed Feb 08 03:40:10 2006] : DM: goodnite guys....
[Wed Feb 08 03:40:19 2006] : (8) Malkiev: Night DM
[Wed Feb 08 03:40:20 2006] : (3) Kahlan: night
[Wed Feb 08 03:40:25 2006] : (6) Ken: 'NIGHT, DM
[Wed Feb 08 03:40:25 2006] : (1) enwewn: night
[Wed Feb 08 03:40:33 2006] : (7) Dori: night
[Wed Feb 08 03:40:39 2006] : (6) Ken: Bye, all
[Wed Feb 08 03:40:56 2006] : (6) Ken: see you next week
[Wed Feb 08 03:41:00 2006] : DM: i will be in touch about the next session
[Wed Feb 08 03:41:13 2006] : DM: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Feb 08 03:41:14 2006] : (4) Todd (exit): 03:41
[Wed Feb 08 03:41:29 2006] : (6) Ken: Fucking off...
[Wed Feb 08 03:41:29 2006] : (6) Ken (exit): 03:41
[Wed Feb 08 03:41:48 2006] : (10) Shade: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Feb 08 03:41:49 2006] : (10) Shade (exit): 03:41
[Wed Feb 08 03:41:53 2006] : (3) Kahlan: well that was tmi
[Wed Feb 08 03:42:50 2006] : (7) Dori has sent you a tree node...
[Wed Feb 08 03:42:50 2006] : (8) Malkiev: Later peeps.
[Wed Feb 08 03:42:55 2006] : (3) Kahlan: later
[Wed Feb 08 03:42:58 2006] : (7) Dori: later
[Wed Feb 08 03:42:59 2006] : (1) enwewn: latters
[Wed Feb 08 03:43:05 2006] : (8) Malkiev (exit): 03:43
[Wed Feb 08 03:43:10 2006] : (3) Kahlan: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Feb 08 03:43:11 2006] : (3) Kahlan (exit): 03:43
[Wed Feb 08 03:44:47 2006] : (7) Dori: Disconnecting from server...
[Wed Feb 08 03:44:48 2006] : (7) Dori (exit): 03:44
[Wed Feb 08 03:44:56 2006] : Game disconnected!